Lecturers Salary In Kenya In 2024 (Average Salary Revealed!)

Given that lecturers belong to job grades 11-15, depending on qualifications, you expect the lecturers salary in Kenya to be pretty high. But how high? How much can you make as a lecturer in Kenya?

Lecturers in Kenya earn an average base salary of Ksh 1.2 million per year (roughly Ksh 100,000 per month). The pay, however, could rise to Ksh 166,000 per month depending on work experience and up to Ksh 300,00 if you factor in allowances.

Other factors other than work experience that determine the lecturers’ pay are the type of lecturer, location, institution, whether the institution is public or private, discipline, highest qualification, discipline, and gender. 

While some institutions only have flat pay, others offer several allowances like house, commuter, in-patient, meal, and travel allowances, to name a few. In that case, they can earn up to half a million monthly shillings if you factor in the allowances.

To help you, I’ll highlight these allowances and explain how all the mentioned factors dictate the lecturers’ paychecks. Moreover, I’ll describe the qualifications and duties of a lecturer and how to make more working as a lecturer. 

Let’s jump into it!

Lecturers Salary in Kenya


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In a rush? Here’s is a summary of the salaries of lecturers depending on the earlier mentioned factors:

Average Lecturers Salary in Kenya (Including Allowances)

Lecturer Average Monthly Salary 
Regular Lecturer Ksh 100,000 – Ksh 300,000
Assistant Lecturer Ksh 25,000 – Ksh 180,000
Part-Time Lecturer Ksh 25,000 – Ksh 40,000
Adjunct/College Lecturer Ksh 40,000 – Ksh 80,000
Invited Lecturer Ksh 40,000 – Ksh 70,000
Seasonal Lecturer Ksh 40,000 – Ksh 100,000 
Masters Holder Ksh 141,000 or more
Ph.D. Holder Ksh 250,000 or more
Public University LecturerKsh 99,409 – Ksh 140,683 
Private University LecturerKsh 76,000 or more 
Early Career Lecturer (1 – 4 Years)Ksh 100,000 or more 
Mid-Career Lecturer (5 – 9 Years)Ksh 125,000 or more 
Late Career Lecturer (10 Years +)Ksh 166,000 or more 
lecturers salary in Kenya

How Much Does Lecturers Earn in Kenya?

While PayScale.com argues that lecturers in Kenya earn an average monthly base salary of Ksh 100,000 – Ksh 166,000, which may increase to Ksh 300,000 with bonuses and benefits, it depends on several factors.

Here are the factors that determine how much lecturers make per month:

  • Experience 
  • Type of lecturer 
  • Job Group
  • Location of the institution
  • Whether it’s a public or private institution 
  • Lecturers highest qualification 
  • Discipline of lecture
  • The gender of the lecturer 

Let’s discuss them next:

1. Experience Vs. Lecturer Salary in Kenya

Experience is critical when commanding a considerable salary everywhere, and you can expect lecturers with more work experience to earn more. 

For example, early-career lecturers (those with 1 – 4 years of experience) make an average of Ksh 1.2 million annually (or Ksh 120,000 monthly), according to Payscale.com.

Meanwhile, those in the mid-career bracket (5-9 years of experience) average Ksh 1.5 million annually (or Ksh 125,000 monthly), while those in the late-career bracket (10 years plus experience) make up to Ksh 2 million yearly (or Ksh 166,000) or more if you factor in the allowance.

So, the more experience you are as a lecturer, the more you are likely to earn.

university lecturers salary scales

2. Different Types of Lecturers Vs. Their Salary in Kenya

Lecturers are not the same. Some make more than others because of the nature of their job, how long they work, and whether they are salaried or just on a contract basis. 

It also depends on where they lecture, and here are the various categories:

a) Regular University Lecturer (Full-Time Lecturer) Salary in Kenya

Regular or full-time university lecturers make about Ksh 100,000 – Ksh 300,000 per month in Kenya in government institutions, depending on their experience levels. 

Junior regulars (under four years) make Ksh 100,000 on average, while senior regulars (10 years plus) make up to Ksh 300,000. 

b) Senior Lecturer Salary in Kenya

Senior lecturers usually are Ph.D. holders and belong to a much higher job group (14A and 15A) than regular lecturers. So, expect them to make more money

For example, senior lecturers at the university of Nairobi make Ksh 112,038 – Ksh 159,720 per month, excluding allowances, according to the university website. 

If you factor in the allowances, which add to about Ksh 300,000 or more, the UoN senior lecturers make up to Ksh 450,000 – Ksh 500,000 per month.

c) Adjunct Lecturer (College Lecturer) Salary in Kenya

Adjunct or college lecturers, including those from TVETs, are not the highest paid. The salary scale for TVET lecturers in Kenya is about Ksh 40,000 – Ksh 70,000 per month, depending on the institution.

However, those in medical colleges such as KMTC earn up to Ksh 80,000.

d) Part Time Lecturer Salary in Kenya

Part-time lecturers don’t make a lot in Kenya. But since it’s only a part-time job, then the compensation is worth it. Expect these professors and speakers to make Ksh 25,000 – Ksh 40,000 at the end of the month.

But again, it depends primarily on experience and institution. 

e) Assistant Lecturer Salary in Kenya

Assistant lecturers do various jobs such as student supervisor, setting and marking assignments and exams, and just about anything senior lecturers assign them. 

They, however, make much less as their monthly salary averages Ksh 25,000 – Ksh 180,000, depending on the institution and the lecturer’s experience. 

f)  Invited Lecturer Salary in Kenya

Invited lecturers are not on the payroll because they only give talks when called upon. And when they do, the institution caters to everything, including their travel expenses. 

In Kenya, these lecturers average Ksh 40,000 – Ksh 70,000 per month but often work a few days, not the entire month. 

g)  Seasonal Lecturer Salary in Kenya

Seasonal lecturers are usually called upon when there’s an influx of students or when the regular lecturers are unavailable. These lecturers make Ksh 35,000 – Ksh 100,000 per month, excluding the allowances. 

part time lecturer salary in Kenya

3. Job Grade Vs. Lecturer Salary

Lecturers in Kenya belong to these five job grades: 10A, 11 A, 12 A, 13 A, 14 A & 15A.

While you can be a master’s degree holder to fit in job groups 10A to 13A, you need a Ph.D. qualification to qualify for job grades 14A and 15A.

Here’s a breakdown of university lecturers salary scales.

Job GroupSalary Scale (Per Month)
11AKsh 83,598 – Ksh 118,348 
12AKsh 99,409 – Ksh 140,683 
13AKsh 112,038 – Ksh 159,720 
14AKsh 145,441 – Ksh 203,605 
15AKsh 170,681 – Ksh 248,898

4. Institution Location Vs. Lecturer Salary in Kenya 

Lecturers in major cities like Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu make more than their counterparts in smaller towns. Leading the line are lecturers from Nairobi who make an average of Ksh 242,000 per month if you factor in the allowance.

On the other hand, lecturers in Mombasa and Kisumu make Ksh 214,000 and Ksh 200,000, respectively. 

5. Private Vs. Public Institution

While public universities have a standard payment structure that defines the pay according to job groups, public universities don’t. And for that reason, some private universities pay more than others. 

Overall, however, lecturers make more money in public institutions than in private ones. For example, the average monthly JKUAT lecturer salary, according to MySalaryScale.com, is Ksh 150,000, while the average monthly UoN lecturer salary is Ksh 99,409 – Ksh 140,683.

In contrast, the Mount Kenya university lecturer salary is Ksh 76,000 per month, according to MySalaryScale.com. 

6. Lecturer Highest Qualification Vs. Salary 

Globally, a higher education qualification equals a more extensive paycheck, and that’s the same for lecturers. In Kenya, Ph.D. holders command up to 78% more than Master’s Degree holders, according to SalaryExplorer.com. 

For example, the average monthly salary for Master’s Degree lecturers is Ksh 141,000, while the average PhD lecturer salary in Kenya is about Ksh 250,000 per month. So, one way to make money as a lecturer is by getting a Ph.D.

7. Discipline Vs. Salary 

Interestingly, some disciplines pay more than others because they are slightly more technical and have fewer lecturers. These disciplines include law, medicine, political science, physics, and political science. 

You can expect lecturers in those disciplines to earn more than those in education, business history, and language classes. 

But again, other factors such as the type of lecturer, highest qualification, and experience are also essential determining factors. 

Mount Kenya university lecturer salary

8. Gender Vs. Lecturer Salary 

Though it shouldn’t be, gender plays a role in how much lecturers make in Kenya. Male lecturers in Kenya make up to 18% more than their female colleagues, according to SalaryExplorer.com.

While there’s no clear explanation for why it’s so, the Kenyan education sector has yet to reach a point where there’s no gender disparity in hiring. 

Lecturer’s Duties and Responsibility in Kenya 

The duties and responsibilities of a lecturer in Kenya include the following:

  • Lecturer preparation (planning and research)
  • Student work assessment 
  • Student personal development through pastoral and tutorial work
  • Exams invigilation 
  • Attending the institution’s staff meetings 
  • Interviewing new course applicants 
  • Planning for the lecture time with the students 

Education Qualification 

You should’ve at least a Master’s Degree in your preferred lecturing area, but a Ph.D. or Postgraduate Certificate In Higher Education (PGCHE) gives you an advantage. You also have an advantage if you’ve teaching experience in higher education.

Lecturer Allowances in Kenya

Lecturers are also entitled to allowances which are not always part of the base pay. A lecturer at the University of Nairobi, for example, receives these allowances according to the university website:

  • Motor vehicle (Ksh 18,590)
  • House allowance (Ksh 55,286)
  • Other transport (Ksh 14,666)
  • Mileage (as per AA rates)
  • Hardship allowance (Ksh 27,300)
  • In-patient (Ksh 1,485)
  • Meals (Ksh 1,500)
  • Passage allowance (Ksh 4,816)
  • Book allowance (Ksh 28,305)
  • Leave traveling (Ksh16,654)
  • Dental (Ksh 27,696)
  • Subsistence (Ksh 14,000)
  • Baggage allowance (Ksh 7,680)
  • Optical allowance (Ksh 27,696)
  • Transfer (Ksh 20,000)
  • Clinical allowance (Ksh 6,000)

Remember, since public universities seem to have a standard payment structure, you can expect these allowances from other public universities. 

It’s hard to say about private universities as most don’t offer these allowances. 

How Can You Earn More as A Lecturer in Kenya? 

As a lecturer, there are various things you can do to improve your chances of making more money. That includes the following:

  • Advance your education – As shared earlier, you will likely have better pay with a Ph.D. than a master’s degree. So, if you only have a master’s degree, it may help to get a Ph.D.; if you have a Ph.D., you can get another. 
  • Change employers – Sometimes it helps to seek employment in a different institution as you can ask for a higher salary without fearing that you may lose your current job. 
  • Get a part-time lecturer job – If you have time, you can work part-time and earn more money. That means you can work for multiple employers, translating to more than one paycheck.
how much does lecturers earn in Kenya

People Also Ask 

1. How Much Is a University Lecturer Paid in Kenya?

The highest paid lecturer in Kenya earns about Ksh 2 million per year, according to PayScale.com. The average earning, however, per year is Ksh 1.2 million. Overall, the more experience, the higher the pay. 

2. How Much Does a KMTC Lecturer Earn in Kenya?

KMTC lecturers are among the best paid at a college level in Kenya, pocketing an average of Ksh 80,000 monthly. But overall, the pay goes with experience, as the more years of working, the fatter the paycheck. 

3. What Is the Salary of a Lecturer at Kenyatta University?

Lecturers at Kenyatta University make an average of Ksh 120,000 – Ksh 180,000 per month, according to Glassdoor.com, depending on their experience level and highest qualification. 

4. How Much Do Junior Lecturers Earn in Kenya?

A junior lecturer in Kenya earns an average of Ksh 100,000 monthly, but it can be more if you factor in the allowances. 

Closing Thought 

Above is a reflection of the latest lecturers salary in Kenya. And as you can tell, several factors come into consideration, such as experience, type of lecturer, lecturer discipline, location, and highest qualification.

But if you want to make more, you can advance your education, change employers, or get a part-time job. 

Contact the Cent Warrior family on social media for inquiries and classification on lecturer jobs and other working opportunities and investment ideas!

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Written by Alex

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