
How To Opt Out Of Fuliza MPESA In 2024 (2 Easy Ways)

Fuliza is often the name that comes to mind when you are cash-strapped. But let’s face it, the daily charges may force you to want to move out, and today I’ll share simple guides on how to opt out of Fuliza. 

There are generally two ways to opt out of Fuliza. One is by dialing *234# and then going to ‘Fuliza MPESA,’ then ‘More,’ and lastly, ‘Opt Out.’ The other is through the MPESA App, where you can get the ‘Opt Out’ option in the transaction section.

Note that opting out of Fuliza has some consequences, some good and some not-so-good. The good news is that you wouldn’t have to borrow again using Fuliza unless you opt-in. And if you decide to opt-in again, you may get an increased limit. 

The keyword is ‘may’ because there is no assurance. You could lose your limit, or it may be reduced, and sometimes it may not change, and that’s one of the bad news. 

The other bad news is that you can’t use Fuliza once you opt out, and your credit history may change since you are no longer on record. And if you think you can opt-out with an unpaid Fuliza loan, you’ve to think again, as that won’t happen.

how to opt out of Fuliza

Let me elaborate on the two ways to opt out before I can explain the consequences of such a move.

Here’s what I’ll cover in this post:

  • Why opt out of Fuliza?
  • How do you opt out of Fuliza?
  • What happens when you opt out of Fuliza?
  • How do you opt-in to Fuliza after opting out?
  • Does opting out improve your Fuliza limit?
  • Can you opt-out while having an unpaid Fuliza loan?
  • If not Fuliza, then what?

Let’s get into it!


Allow me to show you how I reclaimed my financial life from drowning in a sea of debt and trapped in a never-ending cycle of financial despair with over Ksh 3.5 million weighing me down.

Every day was filled with sleepless nights, anxiety, and constant fear of losing everything I had.

But then, against all odds, I discovered a life-changing path to freedom which helped me shatter the chains of debt in just 1.5 years, created a solid financial foundation and started building wealth.

And now, I have packaged all this knowledge in this SIMPLE e-book called Cent Warrior 10-Steps to Financial Freedom for you because I want you to WIN with money and change your family tree.

🟢 Get It here for FREE and change your life forever.


Why Opt Out of Fuliza?

There are many different reasons you may want to opt out of Fuliza, but two stand out, and they are:

1. Get A Higher Limit 

This is probably the most typical reason why most Fuliza users opt out of Fuliza. By opting out and then opting in, you could increase your Fuliza loan limit

Though I don’t recommend borrowing in general because it gets you into debt, I’ve heard of people who have hacked Fuliza this way.

Not all of them are that lucky, however. Some either lose their credit limit or see it reduced; nothing changes for others. 

A word of caution – The higher the Fuliza limit, the more likely you are to borrow, and the more you do it, the bigger the debt. So, in the end, you pay more in daily charges, excise duty, and even transaction costs. That’s why I recommend opting out forever for the second reason below. 

2. Stop Borrowing 

Not everyone who opts out of Fuliza MPESA does it to opt in again and enjoy a higher limit. Some don’t even know about the hack but do it because they are too tired of borrowing and have to pay hefty charges, which accumulate daily. 

Does that sound like you? Then you can say goodbye to Fuliza by opting out. Of course, that should come after clearing your debt. 

How to Opt Out of Fuliza MPESA

Essentially, you can opt out of Fuliza MPESA in two ways as follows:

1. Via The USSD *234#

Consider these steps if you want to opt out of Fuliza via USSD:

  • Dial *234#
  • Reply with option 0 (for Fuliza MPESA)
  • Select option 98 (for more) and then option 7 (for opting out)
  • Tap ‘Send’ to initiate the opting out and wait for an SMS

Your SMS will start with the words it is sad to see you leave after your name. That shows you’ve opted out. The SMS, however, still informs you that you can opt back into Fuliza when you want to. 

2. Via MPESA App 

You can also opt out of Fuliza MPESA through the MPESA app, which you can download on Google Play or the App store. Here’s how to go about opting out:

  • Launch the MPESA app on your device 
  • Visit the transaction section and choose Fuliza near the bottom end 
  • Wait for a Fuliza dashboard to open and touch the three dots top right 
  • Then pick ‘opt out of Fuliza’ to opt out of the service 
  • Wait for an SMS confirming You’ve opted out 

What Happens If I Opt Out of Fuliza?

Opting out of Fuliza can be good or bad, depending on your goal. Let’s discuss the good and the bad of opting out.

The Advantages of Opting Out of Fuliza

By opting out of Fuliza, you enjoy these advantages:

  • No more Fuliza debt – you can no longer borrow from Fuliza, not unless you opt-in again 

The truth is that Fuliza is just like any other emergency loan out there. You’ve to repay it, of course, with interest. 

When you know that you can Fuliza, you become slightly impulsive with your spending and will likely buy things you don’t need. 

But once you know you no longer have access to the service, you become too conscious of your spending and will most likely choose what to buy.

  • The opportunity to opt-in again and possibly enjoy a higher limit 

This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Let’s talk about the benefits for now.

Once you opt-out and then in, your Fuliza loan limit may change, sometimes upwards. When it does, you get to access a higher limit which means you can do more with the money you borrow. I’ll explain how to opt-in back again in a few. 

how to opt in Fuliza after opting out

The Disadvantages of Opting Out of Fuliza 

Now, here are the downsides of opting out of Fuliza:

  • You can’t Fuliza when in a financial fix 

Once you opt out, you can’t use Fuliza to complete your MPESA transaction, at least not until you opt in. Who knows, you might not enjoy the same limit as the last as it could be lower.

  • Your limit may drop if you decide to opt-in 

There is always the chance that Safaricom may reduce your loan limit if you decide to opt-in once again after opting out. So, if your intention for opting out is to enjoy a higher limit when you opt-in, things may backfire on you. 

You may lose the high limit you enjoy and wouldn’t want that. 

  • Your credit score may change

It’s not just your loan limit that may change when you opt out but also your credit score. But how? That’s because Fuliza doesn’t take account of your day-to-day MPESA transactions once you opt out. 

And as a result, you may fail to improve your credit rating for some time. You can, however, boost your credit score by using other Safaricom-related services such as MSHWARI, KCB MPESA, OKOA JAHAZI, Lipa Na MPESA, and many others.

How to Opt in Fuliza After Opting Out

Consider these steps if you want to opt-in again after opting out of Fuliza:

  • Dial *234# and wait for a menu to pop up 
  • Select 0 (Fuliza MPESA) form the menu 
  • Enter 1 to join Fuliza MPESA, then 98 to review and accept the terms and conditions
  • Wait for Fuliza to take you back by sending you an opt-in SMS. 

Does Opting Out of Fuliza Increase Loan Limit?

The answer to this is maybe. As shared, opting out of Fuliza results in a review of your credit limit either upwards or downwards, and in rare cases, the limit stays the same. 

So, opting out doesn’t guarantee to improve your Fuliza limit. It’s a gamble that you’ve to weigh carefully before opting out. What if you lose the high limit you’ve been enjoying or fail to get any limit? I’ll leave that to you!

What If You Have a Fuliza Loan? Can You Still Opt Out?

Sadly, you cannot opt out of Fuliza with an unpaid Fuliza loan. If you go through the Fuliza terms and conditions, one of its conditions is to agree not to cancel/terminate your Sim registration while having an outstanding Fuliza loan. 

So, you can’t opt out, nor can you de-register your line while owing Fuliza. If you decide to do the latter, you’ll find your name on CRB, which means you won’t access Fuliza and other loans in the future, even on another line. 

So, to protect your name and avoid all the fees of obtaining CRB clearance, it’s good to repay Fuliza before opting out or de-registering your line. 

If Not Fuliza, Then What?

We at Cent Warrior don’t advocate for Fuliza or any other loan for that matter, apart from a mortgage and auto loan in some rare cases. That’s why I wrote the ‘Get Out of Debt & Build A Lasting Legacy’ E-book to help people like you break free from this financially-pricking and cancerous burden called debt.  

I discuss the dangers of borrowing and how you can avoid the various debt traps (things that make you borrow). You’ll learn about Fuliza and other loans and how to break free methodically. 

More importantly, I’ll show you how to live debt free after getting out of debt and ways to improve your income and build wealth for your family and dependents.

And in the end, I trust you’ll become a Cent Warrior – Someone who has conquered the choking hands of debts and can claim to have attained financial wellness.

how to opt out of Fuliza MPESA

People Also Ask 

1. Why Is My Fuliza Limit Zero After Opt Out?

There are different reasons why your Fuliza limit would be zero after opting out. It could be because you still do not qualify for a Fuliza loan. The reason for that includes a recently registered line (not older than six months) or having a bad credit score (CRB blacklisting). 

It could also be that your line is rarely transacting (less active) despite being older than six months, or you might have an unpaid OKOA JAHAZI or MSHWARI on the same line or a different one. 

2. Why Is My Fuliza Limit Back to Zero?

Your Fuliza limit can go back to zero for different reasons. It could be because you’ve defaulted on payment, perhaps a previous Fuliza loan, OKOA JAHAZI, or another Safaricom-related loan. 

It could also be that your line has been less active in recent months – fewer MPESA-related transactions. 

3. What Happens When You Default Fuliza?

According to their terms and conditions, Fuliza can hold any funds in your NCBA or KCB account if you have an unpaid Fuliza loan. That’s not all; the lender may forward your ID and name to CRB, negatively affecting your credit score. 

4. What Is the Secret to Increasing Fuliza Limit?

The secret to increasing your Fuliza limit is to pay the loan early, use Fuliza and other Safaricom services often, and avoid getting blacklisted by CRB. 

Moreover, pay your OKOA JAHAZI and other Safaricom-related credits and loans you procure. Some people also believe that opting out and in can increase your Fuliza limit though there’s always the risk of lowering it. 

Closing Remarks 

Now you know how to opt out of Fuliza and its ramifications. Opt out if you want to stop borrowing from Fuliza, which I recommend if you want to start living debt free. 

While you may opt-out and then in to enjoy a higher limit, it’s not the wisest thing to do because it could sink you into more debt.

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Written by Alex

Written by Alex

I have passion in helping people Make, Manage, Multiply & Protect Wealth.Download my Free Guide to Financial Freedom >>[ GET IT HERE]<<