
Medical Doctors Salary in Kenya Per Month 2024 (Revealed!)

Medical doctors are undeniably among the highest-paid professionals in Kenya. They take years to study and perfect their craft, and the reward is often a considerable paycheck, making the doctors salary in Kenya quite enviable.

According to MySalaryScale.com, doctors in Kenya earn an average base salary of Ksh 171,000 per month. Entry-level doctors, however, start from around Ksh 132,000, while senior-level physicians pocket up to Ksh 266,000.

So, overall, the level of expertise or experience is critical in determining a doctor’s salary in Kenya. It’s, however, not the only deciding factor, as you also have to consider the employer (private or government), hourly rates, and specialization.   

Speaking of specialization, not all doctors are the same. For example, experts like cardiologists, gynecologists, dermatologists, and clinical psychologists earn more than general practitioners and physiotherapists.

I’ll discuss all those factors in-depth to help you understand why some doctors earn more than others. Moreover, we’ll briefly examine some of the country’s best-paid and arguably wealthiest doctors.

But first, let me help you understand the duties of a medical doctor in Kenya and how you can qualify to become one. So, let’s dive in!

doctors salary in Kenya

What Does a Medical Doctor Do?

A medical doctor, sometimes known as a physician, works at a hospital, health center, or clinic. They assess and treat patients and offer prescriptions, among other duties. Here are the general responsibilities of a medical doctor:

  • Offer consultative medical services
  • Examine patients and perform routine checks
  • Create customized treatment plans for patients
  • Perform diagnostic tests
  • Prescribe medicines
  • Keep patient records
  • Recommend specialists
  • Oversee other health professionals such as nurses, medical laboratories, and social workers.

How Do You Become a Medical Doctor in Kenya?

Becoming a certified medical doctor in Kenya is usually a long process. Here are the basics:

Education Requirements

You need at least a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) to become a medical doctor in Kenya. To qualify for the MBChB program, you must meet these minimum educational qualifications:

Option 1 – KCSE Holders

Have a minimum qualification of C+ (Plus) in KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) and at least a B Plain in these cluster subjects:

  • Mathematics or Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • English or Kiswahili

Remember, the MBChB undergraduate program takes about six years, without counting the internship program, which I’ll discuss next. It’s also worth noting that not all universities are accredited by the Kenya Medical Practitioners & Dentist Council (KMPDC) to offer MBChB programs. Currently, there are only 12 local universities approved by KMPDC to offer MBChB, and they are as follows:

  • Agakhan University
  • Moi University
  • Egerton University
  • Maseno University
  • Kisii University
  • Uzima University
  • University of Nairobi (UoN)
  • Mount Kenya University (MKU)
  • Kenya Methodist University (KeMU)
  • Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology (MMUST)
  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Science & Technology (JKUAT)

Option 2 – Diploma Holders

You can also apply for the MBChB program with a 3-year diploma in a recognized medical field and at least a credit pass. However, you must ensure the institution is KMPDC-approved, and if you’ve doubts, go to the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC). You cannot go wrong with KMTC.

Some of the most recognized diplomas that allow you to pursue MBChB include:

  • Nursing
  • Clinical medicine
  • Medical laboratory technology
  • Community oral health
  • Dental hygiene
  • Radiology
  • Pharmaceutical technology
  • Other related fields

Note: You may be forced to undertake a 6-year MBChB program even with a diploma.

richest doctors in Kenya

Option 3 – International Baccalaureate (IB) Holders

If you are an IB holder, you need at least a grade 5 In Mathematics/Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English/Kiswahili.


Once you complete your MBChB undergraduate program, the next phase is a supervised medical internship at a recognized and KMPDC-approved facility. This program usually takes 12-13 months.


Now that you have the education qualification and have completed your supervised internship, you are ready for a job. However, it’s essential to get accredited by the KMPDC.

Essential Skills

In addition to the education, internship, and accreditation requirements, you should possess several skills to work as a medical doctor in Kenya. That includes the following:

  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership skills
  • Compassion
  • Good communication
  • Analytical skills
  • Good time management
  • Data collection and record keeping
  • Ability to work under pressure and with minimal supervision

How Much Does a Doctor Earn in Kenya Per Month?

As mentioned, MySalaryScale.com estimates doctors’ average monthly base salary to be Ksh 171,000. However, several factors come into play, such as experience level, type of employer, hourly rates, and specialization. Let’s explore them to understand how they impact doctors’ pay.

Kenya Medical Doctors Salary Vs. Experience Level

Generally, we’ve three expert levels for doctors, and they all come with different remunerations. Here’s what to know about them:

Experience LevelYearsAverage Monthly Base Salary
Entry LevelUp to 2 yearsKsh 132,000
Mid-Level3 – 9 yearsKsh 176,000
Senior Level10 years plusKsh 266,000

Doctors Salary Vs. Employer

Different employers pay differently in Kenya. For example, some private hospitals (not all) pay better than the Government of Kenya (GoK) or county governments. Here are some estimates by Glassdoor.com to help you understand how much doctors earn, depending on the employer:

EmployerAverage Base Monthly SalaryLowest Monthly SalaryHighest Monthly Salary
Ministry of HealthKsh 180,000Ksh 40,000Ksh 250,000
Nairobi CountyKsh 190,000Ksh 130,000Ksh 250,000
Kenyatta National HospitalKsh 150,304Ksh 144,000Ksh 156,000
Agakhan University HospitalKsh 200,484Ksh 193,000Ksh 208,000
The Karen HospitalKsh 148,997Ksh 143,000Ksh 155,000
The Nairobi HospitalKsh 345,000Ksh 190,000Ksh 500,000
Nairobi West HospitalKsh 119,254Ksh 114,000Ksh 125,000
County Government of KiambuKsh 249,226Ksh 235,000Ksh 260,000
County Government of MakueniKsh 50,170Ksh 48,000Ksh 52,000
Kilifi County GovernmentKsh 90,085Ksh 86,000Ksh 94,000
Private PracticeKsh 100,201Ksh 97,000Ksh 104,000
How much does a doctor earn in Kenya per month

Doctors Salary Vs. Hourly Rates

Some doctors, especially in private practice, are paid per hour. Here are some of the estimates according to Glassdoor.com:

  • AAR Health Service – Ksh 902/hour
  • Agakhan University Hospital – Ksh 2,401/hour
  • International Committee of the Red Cross – Ksh 500/hour


Let’s say you are a doctor on call at the Agakhan University Hospital, and you earn Ksh 2,401 per hour and work 40 hours a week. Then you’ll make Ksh 96,040 a week. In a month, that equals Ksh 384,160, which is impressive.

Kenya Doctors Salary Vs. Specialization

Doctors specialize in different medical fields, and their pay differs from specialization to specialization. For instance, radiologists, gynecologists, dermatologists, neurologists, clinical psychologists, urologists, and invasive cardiologists make over Ksh 400,000. That’s more than what physiotherapists, general practitioners, pediatricians, and psychiatrists make monthly.

 Here’s a table showing estimates for the different specializations:

SpecializationAverage Base Monthly Salary
PhysiotherapistKsh 282,000
General PractitionerKsh 283,000
OptometristKsh 314,000
PediatricianKsh 373,000
Forensic pathologistKsh 379,000
PsychiatristKsh 394,000
RadiologistKsh 417,000
Gynecologist/ObstetricianKsh 435,000
DermatologistKsh 458,000
NeurologistKsh 460,000
Clinical psychologistKsh 477,000
UrologistKsh 536,000
Invasive CardiologistKsh 619,000

8 Richest Doctors in Kenya

Having discussed the average salary of doctors in Kenya, it’s time we learn about the highest earners in the country. Below are the top 8 wealthiest doctors in Kenya:

1. Dr. Catherine Nyongesa

Dr. Catherine Nyongesa founded Texas Cancer Center Kenya, which focuses on oncology treatment in the country. She and her American husband founded the Texas Cancer Center in 2010 with a Ksh 100 million loan. However, the empire is now worth more than Ksh 1 billion.

Dr. Nyongesa pursued a bachelor’s degree in medicine from the University of Nairobi before proceeding to the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa for her master’s. According to WhoOwnsKenya.com, she’s among the few high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) in the country who make Ksh 350 million – Ksh 1 billion a year.

average salary of doctors in Kenya

2. Dr. Betty Gikonyo

Dr. Betty Gikonyo and her husband, Dan Gikonyo, co-founded The Karen Hospital. The main branch along Lang’ata—Karen Road has a 142-bed capacity and is among the country’s most reputable private medical facilities. The Karen Hospital has nine branches nationwide.

Dr. Betty Gikonyo holds a bachelor of medicine & and surgery, a master’s in pediatrics from the University of Nairobi, and a post-doctorate in pediatric cardiology from the University of Minnesota, USA.

She has more than 40 years of experience as a doctor and is the first female certified cardiologist in the country. She’s a nominee for the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award and a recipient of the 2016 Most Influential Woman Award (in the medical category).

Furthermore, she is a member of the Kenya Medical Association, Kenya Cardiac Society, and Kenya Pediatric Association.

3. Dr. Dan Gikonyo

Dr. Dan Gikonyo is a director and co-founder of the Karen Hospital, together with his wife Betty (discussed earlier). He’s a cardiologist by trade and a member of the Kenya Cardiac Society and Kenya Medical Association.

Previously, Dr. Gikonyo lectured at the University of Nairobi. He holds a post-doctorate qualification in cardiology from the University of Minnesota. Overall, he’s one of the highest-paid doctors in the country.

4. Dr. Zipporah Gathuya

Dr. Zipporah Gathuya is the head surgeon at St. John’s Ambulance Kenya. She is also identified among the few high-net-worth individuals in the country with a yearly salary of Ksh 350 million – Ksh 1 billion.

Dr. Gathuya started her medical journey as a medical intern at Chogoria Mission Hospital, where she only received Ksh 11,430 a month. She later joined Kenyatta National Hospital as an ICU medical officer, where she had the opportunity to study pediatric anesthesia in the United States.

She would later pursue a master’s degree in anesthesiology in South Africa, which opened work opportunities for her in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Peru, among other countries.

In Kenya, she’s not just an active surgeon at St. John Ambulance. She’s also an active investor with interests in Sankara Resort, Tribe Hotel, Ol Pajeta Ranch, and Ashnil Hotel.

5.  Dr. Swarup Mishra

Dr. Swarup Mishra founded the Mediheal Group of Hospitals, which has more than ten branches nationwide, including Nakuru, Eldoret, Nairobi (multiple branches), and Kakamega.

Mishra was an MP for Kesses from 2007 but lost the seat during the 2022 General Election. Interestingly, he came from India in 1997 with only $500, which he used to start Mediheal, and the medical empire is worth billions today.

Kenya medical doctors salary

6. Dr. Hellen Kariuki

Dr. Hellen Kariuki is another wealthy doctor who belongs among the high-net-worth individuals with a yearly salary of Ksh 350 million – Ksh 1 billion. She founded the Kenya Society of Hematology and Oncology but currently works at Nairobi Hospital.

Dr. Kariuki holds a bachelor’s degree in dental surgery from the University of Nairobi, a master’s in pediatric hematology and oncology from the University of London, and a PhD in medical physiology from the University of Nairobi. She has more than 23 years of experience as a doctor.

7. Dr. Susan Karanja

Dr. Susan Karanja is one of the four certified female neurosurgeons in the country. The other three are Dr. Sylvia Shitsama, Dr. Beverly Cheserem, and Dr. Tracey John. Dr. Karanja is a head surgeon at Kenyatta National Hospital. She holds a bachelor of medicine & surgery from the University of Nairobi and a master’s from South Africa. 

8. Dr. Mubashir Mahmood Qureshi

Dr. Mubashir Mahmood Qureshi is a head neurosurgeon at the Agakhan University Hospital Nairobi. He currently chairs the Neurological Society of Kenya.

Dr. Qureshi is also the president of the Continental Association of African Neurosurgical Societies (CSSNS). He possesses more than 30 years of professional medical experience.

Concluding Thought:

Now you know the average doctors salary in Kenya and who are among the richest doctors in the country. Moreover, you understand what it takes to be a certified doctor in Kenya. Overall, being a doctor is a great career choice because it pays better and allows you to save lives.

For more inspirational articles on other high-paying professions, check out some of our most recent articles on our website. We also have a lot of invaluable financial resources on our online shop that you can use to improve your financial health.

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Written by Alex

Written by Alex

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