
10 Most Developed Countries In Africa In 2024

What do you think is the basis of measuring a country’s development? While the UN uses the Human Development Index, it’s interesting to note that the nations with the strongest currencies are topping the list here too.

The most developed countries in Africa boast excellent infrastructure, quick passport access, high literacy rates, and easy internet access. Those topping the list include Seychelles, Mauritius, Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia.

If you’re a businessperson looking forward to growing your ventures, this list will inform you of the best locations to expand your business horizons or settle. So, which countries are taking the first front in development?

most developed countries in Africa

Let’s find out!

(Top 30) Most Economically Developed Country In Africa

The Human Development Index is the measure of a country’s development level. 

It tracks factors such as internet access, adult literacy rates, national income per capita, and life expectancy which are key indicators of the citizens’ life standards.

According to the United Nations, the rankings are categorized as follows:

I. 0 to 0.55 is placed as low-scoring nations.

II. 0.55 to 0.70 are categorized as medium-scoring nations.

III. 0.70 to 0.80 are high-scoring nations.

IV. 0.80 and 1.0 are very high human development ratio countries.

Here are the most developed countries in Africa as of 2024:

1. Seychelles 

(HDI: 0.802)

Seychelles island beachfront

Seychelles is the most developed country in Africa with a HDI of 0.802. As the most developed country in Africa economically, this country covers a range of industries including fisheries, tourism, and offshore financial products. 

Another factor that makes this small island nation the most developed country is the easy passport access. To shed more light on this, this African nation has a passport access ranking of 156, allowing great mobility worldwide for its citizens.

2. Mauritius

(HDI: 0.796)

Mauritius is an island nation located in the Indian Ocean and ranks second in this list. Part of its success is attributed to the high economic growth rate and passport access ranking of 151.

Typically, Mauritius provides its citizens with visa-on-arrival or visa-free access to many nations globally. This facilitates smooth business operations, establishing the country’s economy. Mauritius HDI stands at 0.796.

3. Algeria 

(HDI: 0.790)

Algeria is the largest nation in Africa by land area and plays a significant economic and geopolitical role in the continent. This nation boasts a high development index of 0.790. Its passport access ranking stands at 56.

4. Libya 

(HDI: 0.746)

With a Human Development Index of 0.746, Libya is the fourth-most developed nation in Africa. The country has a gross national income per capita of $6,716.10. 

Unfortunately, its passport access ranking lags behind its development due to the current conflicts and security issues. The passport index which stands at 40 has posed numerous travel challenges to Libyan citizens. 

5. Tunisia

(HDI: 0.742)

Nabeul, Tunisia

From having the strongest currency to securing a top position in the development ranking, Tunisia is making exceptional strides. The nation boasts a HDI of 0.742 and a passport index of 71, giving its citizens good mobility worldwide.

Other factors contributing to the excellent development of this nation include its strategic location, diverse economy, and impeccable education system.

6. Egypt

(HDI: 0.742)

Egypt takes the 6th position of the most developed nations in Africa. The country boasts a Human Development Index of 0.742 owing to its diversified investments including agriculture, tourism, and enhanced education level.

Egypt’s rich culture and historical sites have led to a significant expansion in the tourism industry. Moreover, the nation is recording rapid growth in the IT sector. 

7. South Africa

(HDI: 0.709)

In the 7th position is South Africa which has the largest economy in Africa. This nation boasts high industrialization and diversification. Some of the sectors that contribute to the nation’s development include mining, finance, manufacturing, and the service industry.

South Africa has a Human Development Index of 0.709. It’s also one of the most developed countries in Africa in terms of infrastructure. Unfortunately, this nation faces numerous challenges such as inequality and high unemployment. 

8. Botswana 

(HDI: 0.708)

Botswana boasts a combination of favorable conditions that boost its economy making it one of the most developed nations in Africa. From being diamond-rich to vigilant financial management, Botswana has continued to experience rapid growth.

As of now, the nation has accomplished a Human Development Index of 0.708. In addition, it possesses a great passport index of 91 allowing its citizens to experience hassle-free international travel.

9. Morocco

(HDI: 0.689)

Facade Museum in Morocco

Morocco is a strategically located nation near Europe. This country has continued to experience stable governance and a diversified economy. As of 2024, Morocco has hit a HDI of 0.689, securing the 9th spot in the most developed African nations.

10. Gabon

(HDI: 0.693)

Lately, Gabon’s focus has been on fostering global engagement by facilitating seamless international travel. As a result, the country has realized a passport index of 61.

As one of the most developed countries in the continent, Gabon has a HDI of 0.693. Other factors contributing to its development include its natural resources for example oil and timber. 

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Most developed countries in Africa in terms of technology, infrastructure, economy, and industrialization have some similarities, including good governance, political stability, natural resources, and strategic locations. All these provide a favorable environment that fosters exceptional growth and development.

As an entrepreneur or an individual looking forward to doing business within Africa, it’s essential to keep tabs on what’s happening in terms of development. This will help you make data-driven decisions for your business.

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Written by Alex

Written by Alex

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