
Blogging In Kenya: How To Start A Blog And Earn Money

Kenya’s internet penetration continues to grow, making digital businesses extremely lucrative. Blogging is one of the leading income sources for individuals investing in online businesses. How can you invest in blogging in Kenya?

Blogging in Kenya covers diverse fields, including politics, news, finance, health and wellness, and business. You can start a niche blog and earn from it depending on your expertise.

This post covers the following:

  • How to start blogging in Kenya step by step
  • How to earn from blogging in Kenya 
  • Commonly asked questions about blogging
blogging in kenya

Let’s dive in!


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How To Start A Blog In Kenya? 

The first step toward earning from a blog is setting up a website that will host your content. However, this process involves numerous steps, including choosing a name, domain, and niche.

As a result, you can’t jump into developing a blog without first fulfilling all these requirements. To begin your online investment, here is how to start a successful blog in Kenya:

Step 1. Choose a Niche

You can’t talk about food, finance, health, and technology in one blog. This can leave your blog too busy and without a specific target audience to focus on. As a result, you should pick a niche or topic to cover in your blog.

Note that when choosing a niche, you need to narrow it down to something you are passionate about or possess expertise in. This will give you an easy time crafting valuable content, positioning you as an authority.

Some of the common blogs in Kenya include news and gossip, business, health, technology, fashion, personal development, beauty, food and cooking, and making money online.

Step 2. Is Your Niche On Demand?

Before you start setting up your blog, it’s crucial you conduct thorough research about your niche of interest. Reason?

You must be aware of the level of competition in your niche and the demand for your content. You don’t want to start a blog that doesn’t have demand or one that will take years to peak. 

So, utilize tools such as Google AdWords, href, and Ubbersuggest to find out how viable your niche is for blogging in Kenya.

Step 3. Choose a Platform

A blogging platform is the power behind your blogging business, it’s where you create and publish your content. The most common platforms include WordPress and Blogger.

Bloggers prefer utilizing WordPress due to its flexibility. Unlike Blogger, WordPress gives you more control over different elements for example your content and monetization.

Tip: A platform like WordPress requires you to purchase a domain and web hosting. If you cannot afford any of these, you can start a blog for free on Medium, LinkedIn, and Blogger.

Step 4. Register Domain Name and Buy Web Hosting

blog setup

The domain name registration process can be long and tedious if you’re unfamiliar with the blog setup process. However, you can always find ideas through tools such as ChatGPT.

This will help you settle for a suitable domain name within the shortest time possible. Another key requirement is to acquire web hosting. This is essential as it stores your blog files and makes them accessible to your audience anytime.

The best way to register a domain name and purchase web hosting is by using a platform that follows simple steps. One such platform is Bluehost, it makes the blog setup process easy and fast so you can start building.

Moreover, it has multiple plans you can choose from depending on your financial and blogging needs. You can choose the basic or choice plan package.

Step 5. Install WordPress and Customize Your Blog

Now that you have a domain name and web hosting, it’s time to bring the blog shell to life. Installing WordPress is simple as Bluehost offers a one-click solution to complete this process immediately after registering your domain.

Once, you install WordPress, choose a theme and modify your blog to appeal to your target audience. WordPress has numerous themes you can choose from depending on your niche and blogging needs.

Generatepress theme is the most popular among beginners. In addition, you can add plugins to your blog to maximize your blog’s functionality. 

Step 6. Publish Content

Now that your blog is up and running, you can start writing and publishing content. When implementing this step you need to consider the following factors:

  • High-quality content is king so ensure you write great content relevant to your audience.
  • Search Engine Optimization is crucial for any blog’s visibility
  • Social media marketing can help you increase your traffic exceptionally
  • Guest blogging on renowned sites expands your reach immensely

So, leverage these strategies to enhance your blog’s visibility and maximize your earnings.

Ways To Make Money Blogging In Kenya

Blog monetization

Now that you’ve completed the blog setup process, you’re perhaps wondering how you will get paid. Blogging pays in different ways, depending on the approach you utilize it. Here are the top ways your blog can earn you money:

1. Google AdSense

What is Google AdSense and how is it involved in paying bloggers?

Google AdSense utilizes Google Ads Network to monetize your blog. It is the most popular monetization technique that bloggers earn from.

Typically, you display adverts and targeted text in your content. Then Google AdSense pays you according to the clicks or impressions they get.

To register with Google AdSense, Google requires that your website have good traffic and original content. 

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing allows one to earn without owning products or services. Usually, you will sign up with affiliate programs for example Jumia’s KOL or ClickFunnel, then promote their products on your blog.

These companies pay you depending on the traffic you drive to their site, the leads you generate, or sales. Don’t panic if you are a beginner, you can always learn affiliate marketing step by step. 

3. Consulting Services

The niches making people money right now in this category include health and wellness, personal finance, business consultancy, and counseling. You can share valuable content in your niche to position yourself as an expert in the related field.

Then provide the services you offer so that clients who need them can contact you and pay you for the different packages you provide.

4. Selling Digital Products

Another simple way to earn from your blog is by selling digital products. Some popular digital products fetching bloggers a great income today include graphics, templates, courses, and ebooks. 

5. Freelance Portfolio

As a freelancer, a blog is a great way to showcase your skills by building a portfolio. Depending on your profession, you can display the blogs you’ve written as a writer or websites you’ve built as a web developer.

All you need to do when pitching is to send the link to your prospective clients and they’ll see what you can do for them. 

Tip: It’s always good to diversify your source of income. Don’t rely on one category entirely because if it’s affected negatively you might experience income fluctuations or income loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Much Do Bloggers Earn In Kenya?

Bloggers’ earnings differ depending on the monetization approach and the niche. Some niches attract high earnings while others offer meager pay. So, when setting up a blog consider the niche and the monetization method that fetches you maximum earnings.

2. What Are The Most Profitable Blogging Niches In Kenya?

The highest-paying blogging niches include:

  • Business and personal finance
  • Tech and appliance reviews
  • Food and recipe
  • Beauty and fashion
  • Parenting and family blogs

Building a blog in one of these niches sets you up for success. So, find one you are passionate or knowledgeable about with a large target audience.

Ready To Earn From Blogging?

Blogging provides numerous ways to earn money, making it a great online investment. Whether a beginner or an experienced writer, you can start a blog in one of the profitable niches and earn from it.

Nevertheless, you must follow the blog setup process and share valuable content before monetizing it. Don’t get stuck starting your blog, you can always ask for help from professional developers.

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Written by Alex

Written by Alex

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